Whitelaw Machinery Co Ltd Woodstock Custom Welding Fabricating Machining
Custom Machinery Welding Fabricating Woodstock
Woodstock  Kitchener Toronto London Hamilton Trucking Transportation Freight
Welding Custom Fabricating Whitelaw Machinery Woodstock
Machining Custom Welding Machinery Whitelaw Co Ltd
Shipping Freight Trucking Transportation Expedite LTL TL Warehousing Logistics Shipping
Whitelaw Machinery Co Ltd:

Welding Fabricating


  • Flour Mill Rolls (9" - 24" diameter)
  • Feed Mill Rolls (8" - 24" diameter)
  • Grinding and Corrugating
  • ISO 9000 Certified

Toll Free: 1 (800) 665-0289

Phone: (519) 539-1287

Fax: (519) 539-6298

Email [email protected]


Custom Machine Work

  • Large and Small Engine Lathe Work Machining
  • Mill Work
  • ISO 9000 Certified
  • Chain and Sprockets
  • Bearings (bronze, flange mount, pillow block, babbit) 
  • PTO repairs and new
  • Drive shaft repair
  • Custom Balancing
  • Grinding and Corrugating (fluting)
  • Competitive Rates
  • Pickup and Delivery


Whitelaw Jaw Crusher

  • 3 to 35 HP Models
  • 4"x5" to 10"x24" Jaw Opening

Whitelaw Grain Roller Mills

  • 2HP - 20 HP models
  • 1/2 ton - 6 ton models
  • Small Farm Corn Rollers

Since 1856 Whitelaw Machinery

Machinery Woodstock Custom Fabricating Welding Machine Shop Oxford County
Robert Whitelaw's Oxford Foundry & Machine Shop, outskirts of Woodstock. The plant was a typical general-purpose engineering shop as shown by the boilers and flywheels displayed outside. The list of work undertaken by the business covers every type of local trade: "Manufacturers of mill machinery and furnishings, steam engines, boilers, turbine water-wheels, dairy furnishings, iron and brass castings, etc. Cheese factory engines, boilers and fittings a speciality."





Woodstock Oxford Countymachining, welding, Woodstock custom machining, London, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Brantford, Ingersoll, Embro, Innerkip, Hamilton, Goderich, metal fabricating, fabricating, steel fabricating, tube fabricating, sheet metal fabricating equipment, hardboard fabricating, fabricating equipment, fabricating machinery, metal fabricating machinery, metal machining, metal fabricating equipment, metal fabricating tool, general mill, mill, saw mill, steel mill, grain mill, crusher, rock crusher, aluminum can crusher, jaw crusher, stone crusher, grape crusher, grinding, corrugating, welding, machinery, machining, Woodstock Custom Metal Steel Fabricating Company

Whitelaw Trucking Inc. Group Box #5 1156 Welford Pl. Woodstock Ontario N4S 7W3 Tele: 1 888 886-9081 Fax: (519) 421-7133